Pastoral Care

Pastoral Support

At Mersham Primary School we are very lucky to have Miss Wheeler who focuses on the Pastoral Care of our pupils. She works closely with children and their families to provide additional support where needed. 

Miss Wheeler is also a fully trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistant. Please see below for more information.

If you feel that your child might benefit from her support please do contact her at pastoral@mersham.kent.sch.uk or alternatively make an appointment through the school office.

If you would like any more information or help with any of the following areas please do get in contact.

Understanding Emotions

Understanding emotions is very important and something that most children struggle with. It is easy for children to mix up their emotions in the same way that they often mistake hunger for tiredness or being thirsty, or a stomach ache for a headache.

Many believe that there are 6 main emotions which are: happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust and surprise. It is good for children to learn from an early age to name these emotions, understand when they are feeling them and how it makes their body feel.

There are lots of resources that help us as adults to talk about emotions with children.  It is important for children to understand that whilst some emotions may feel too big and scary it is important for us to have them.  As long as we can name them, understand them and know how to deal with them, we can become masters of our emotions rather than the other way round.

The following resources are all free on the amazing ELSA website, however please do look at the rest of Debbie’s resources for Emotions.  Many only cost a few pounds and can be very helpful. If you would like to purchase a pack but feel unsure about which one to go with please do contact me and we can find the best resources for your particular need.   My email can be found above these headed sections.






Wellbeing and Mindfulness

Mindfulness  according to the Cambridge dictionary is the practice of being aware of your body, mind and feelings in the present moment, thought to create a feeling of calm.

A way of achieving this is going to look different for everyone. A lot of people enjoy colouring, reading, listening to music or mindfulness recordings.

The following arejust a handful of resources that can be found.








